Why We Ignore European Comics?

We can see American entertainment all around us, and we can divide hat cultural isolation that happened after the Second World War and became widely recognized. However, cartooning was already part of a Japanese and European culture long before that. We can say that USA comics took inspiration from those comics, but still they created a hyper-production industry that surpassed any other country, except Japan.  
We can say that authentic ideas from American comics are something that was used by mass media, while European was ignored. The question is why? We can state that mass media created the circulation, and when we return to those times after Second World War we can say that America was the land of freedom. Something different where everyone wanted a piece of that cake.  

That is why the culture was so condemned with their effect. We cannot say that the USA comics were perfect art because when we compare it to European it doesn't have that artistic style. They are more main stream. But still, the synonyms for comics nowadays are Marvel and DC. 

We can easily buy or sell old comics, but still American will be much more expensive because they created the impact that changed the world of comics. It became from ordinary cartoon-like to something that adults can read, too.  

Maybe that is the main reason why European comics live in the shadow of one of the youngest countries in the world. World domination is based on culture, and we can see why. 


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