Difference between Movies and Comics

Even though, films will always get so much attention because they are filled with realistic pictures with expensive special effects, comics, on the other hand, are not made with such sum of money and power, and it is the more artistic point of view that will provide you a different perspective on the world around you. There are many different eras of comics such as golden and silver age comics; however, it is still much better artistic medium than film. We decided to present you reasons why comics are better and much more efficient than film:

Time and cost – Some dramatic effects in movies could cost a fortune, and in comic books, it is a matter of a few dollars. When we compare these two, we can say that it is a terrible loss of money that will not open the viewer’s mind in order to give him what art is really about. Comics are made generally much faster and therefore you will be able to follow series without any problem with an idea that you improved your mental health by doing it.

Personal vision – You won’t believe how many people are involved in making one movie. We have all seen end credits at the end of the movie; however, the requirements for making a comic are different. You will have your artistic and personal approach and in the same time, you will have the possibility to create something without interfering with other people. It is more self-explanatory and it could lead to serious art for both pictures and text.

Films will always be more popular because they are sensational and main part of our lives. However, reading comics especially silver age comics are not only for children but for adults, too.


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